Design Awards
Back in 2017 de Klerk Jewellers decided to venture into the world of Design Awards to see how our work stood up against the best jewellers in the country.
Of the three competitions we entered, we won two categories one competition, and we were one of four finalists in the other two. As a result we had the opportunity to rub shoulders with the finest designers in Australia and New Zealand, we had glossy features in both Jeweller and Jewellery Magazines, and a display piece in the International Jewellery Trade Fair for the whole world to see.
Magazine Features Of Our Design Award Jewellery.
In 2019 we decided to enter competitions every 2 years, unfortunately covid interfered with those plans. We’ve declined entering our designs since then. We decided to focus on producing magnificent pieces for our customers for now. We’ll be back into the design competition soon enough. We have nothing to prove, our previous awards demonstrate that, but we love to design and produce something out of the ordinary just for the love of it.
We become attached to these, pieces, too attached. We finally made the decision to sell three of the award pieces that we kept as displays in our showcase. Luxury Australian diamond jewellery appeals to the discerning jewellery collector. These creations should be more than displays, they should be pride of place in a collection and heirlooms.
de Klerk Jewellers Australian Yellow and Pink Diamond Pendant. Diamond Award Finalist.
Australian Jewellery Design Awards 2017
Winner: Best Pendant
Winner: Best Necklace Up To $5000.
Jewellery Association Of Australia Jewellery Awards 2017
Finalist: Diamond Category
Australian Jewellery Design Awards 2018
Winner: Best Mens Engagement Ring Over $5000
Finalist: Best Pendant Up To $5000.
Finalist: Best Pendant Over $5000.
de Klerk Jewellers: Category Winner. Pendants.
de Klerk Jewellers: Winner. Men’s Engagement Ring Category.